Samuel (name changed) is one of our orphans in Guatemala. He was born in a hospital, and when he was taken back to his mom, so she can meet him, she tried to strangle him. Right away the doctors and nurses helped and saved his life. Later, they called the police. There was a court hearing, and his mom indicated that she wanted to kill him, because she did not want him. She then signed the adoptability papers.
Your donations help us provide a Christian environment for children like Samuel. Without you, many like Samuel would end-up in abusive families; some would not now be alive. Thank you for saving these children who have little if any hope.
A small group is going to Guatemala in September. If you would like to donate to either our project or team cost, please go to:
Give to the “General Fund” and indicate in “Memo” if you want to help with September Trip, “Team Cost” or “Project.” Thanking you in advance.